Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is TMS?

    TMS is a treatment technique that uses medical equipment that creates magnetic energy fields that flow through a helmet placed on patients’ heads. The field of magnetic energy is directed to the precise region of the brain that regulates mood to stimulate nerve cells in this particular area. This can result in the positive, desired outcome of people feeling better. TMS treatments do not require any type of anesthesia because the process is non-invasive, and occurs outside of the body without penetrating the skin.

  • What are some benefits of TMS therapy?

    TMS treatments can be life-changing for people who suffer from different maladies that impede their ability to achieve their personal potential. Some of the benefits of TMS include increased vitality, enjoyment of the ‘little things’ in life, improvement in relationships, and an overall better quality of life. What’s more, these benefits can be achieved without long-lasting side effects.

    Remission from syndromes that keep us away from optimum mental health is possible, and it may be possible to reduce your current levels of medication.

    Studies show that neural activity is increased by TMS therapy, so during this time, it is beneficial for patients to be engaged in a nurturing environment like at Paxina Health.

  • How does TMS therapy work?

    Once the TMS device is properly positioned, it emits magnetic pulses that target and stimulate nerve cells in the brain to restore normal function in the under-performing areas of the brain that are linked to emotion. In patients that are depressed or are afflicted with other psychological disorders, the regions of the brain that regulate emotions are shown to be particularly non-responsive compared to people who don’t suffer from those disorders.

  • When is TMS used?

    Antidepressant medications and psychotherapy are the first-line treatments for major depression. These treatments, however, do not work for all patients. In these instances, TMS might be used as an alternative treatment, or to augment antidepressant medications or psychotherapy.

    BrainsWay Deep TMS™ has been FDA-cleared for major depressive disorder (MDD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, (OCD), anxious depression, and smoking addiction.

  • What should patients expect during their first treatment appointment?

    Due to the fact that TMS emits magnetic pulses, before beginning a treatment, patients are asked to remove any metal or magnetic-sensitive objects (such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, and credit cards).

    The first visit to the Paxina Health office will be somewhat different than the subsequent treatments and will take some additional time. The first time patients come, they will be seated in a comfortable chair while a physician performs a procedure called cortical mapping, which typically takes approximately 20-30 minutes, yet could be a more lengthy process for some individuals.

    This painless mapping process enables the doctor to precisely identify specific areas of the brain where magnetic energy will be focused to ensure the TMS treatments are optimal. This is necessary since the size and shape of everyone’s head is different. The mapping process also provides the information required to accurately fine-tune the level of magnetic energy that will be needed to treat each individual’s depression or OCD.

    After the mapping is completed, the patient remains seated with the helmet on their head and the TMS Technician will administer the treatment which typically takes 35-45 minutes. Patients will always have a TMS Technician present with them throughout every treatment session.

    When the session ends, patients are given a few minutes for recovery, the TMS Technician will usher them out, and the patient can go about their day.

    Patients should expect their first appointment to take approximately 1½ hours.

  • How long does it take to complete a course of TMS treatments?

    Patients should expect to get 35-45 minute TMS therapy sessions 5-days a week, on Monday through Friday, then take the weekends off for a breather of sorts. To help ensure patients experience the most impactful and lasting results, a course of TMS treatment typically lasts about 6 to 7 weeks. However, this time frame may vary depending on an individual’s response to treatment.

  • What are the side effects of TMS?

    Generally speaking, individuals quickly adjust to the sensation of magnetic energy. Most patients say they barely feel the treatment by the end of the first week or two, if not sooner.

    TMS is well-tolerated and associated with few side effects and only a small percentage of patients discontinue treatment because of these. The most common side-effect is headaches. These are mild and typically diminish over the course of the treatment. Over-the-counter pain medication can be used to treat headaches if they occur.

    Some patients may experience uncomfortable scalp sensations or facial twitching with TMS pulses. These too tend to diminish over the course of treatment although adjustments to the stimulation settings can be made right away to reduce discomfort.

  • Who cannot get TMS therapy?

    People with any type of non-removable metal in their heads (with the exception of braces or dental fillings), should not receive TMS. The following is a list of metal implants that can prevent a patient from receiving TMS:

    • Aneurysm clips or coils
    • Stents in the neck or brain
    • Deep brain stimulators
    • Electrodes to monitor brain activity
    • Metallic implants in your ears and eyes
    • Shrapnel or bullet fragments in or near the head
    • Facial tattoos with metallic or magnetic-sensitive ink
    • Other metal devices or objects implanted in or near the head
  • How can patients get TMS treatments?

    Before scheduling you for treatment, patients must first be evaluated by one of the psychiatrists at Paxina Health to determine if TMS would be appropriate for them.

    People that reside in the San Diego area and are interested in being evaluated for outpatient TMS treatment, or to learn more about our program, please contact us: [email protected]

  • What can patients do during my appointment?

    Since TMS treatments are non-invasive, patients are awake and alert throughout their sessions and may bring something to read or watch on an iPad or similar tablet device.

    Patients are not allowed to sleep during their treatments, because brain wave patterns change during sleep, and studies show patients need to remain alert during TMS treatments for optimal efficacy.

  • When should patients expect to start seeing results?

    Every individual’s experience with TMS therapy is different. They respond at different rates and times to the treatment. Some patients see improvement in symptoms the first week, while most feel better mid-way through the course of treatments. Frequently, friends and family notice positive changes first.

  • Who are possible candidates for TMS therapy?

    TMS treatments may be effective for people who:

    • Have been diagnosed with treatment-resistant Major Depression Disorder (MDD) and have not benefited from the use of antidepressants
    • Have had side effects from medications
    • Are searching for a drug-free depression solution
    • Would like to modify the repetitive behaviors associated with OCD
    • Want the safety of an FDA-cleared therapy
  • What if I have to miss a treatment?

    TMS treatments take place five days a week throughout the regimen prescribed by their doctor. If you have travel plans or other commitments that would require you to miss consecutive treatments during your prescribed regimen, please inform us.

    Circumstances arise that prevent people from coming to the office five times a week. At least at the beginning of the treatment course, Paxina Health intends to provide treatments every weekday.

  • Does Insurance Cover TMS?

    Many insurance companies cover TMS treatments, and a member of the Paxina Health team will help patients find out if their insurance will cover treatment.

  • What will the out-of-pocket costs be for TMS treatments?

    Out-of-pocket expenses vary from one insurance plan to another. Before treatment begins, any costs to the patient will be determined and agreed upon.